Olimpíadas do Dota #2 ! Futebol & Alvo ao Tiro !

Segue mais um vídeo muito legal:

Olimpíadas do Dota #1 ! Corrida com Obstáculos & Cabo de Guerra !

Achei bem legal a ideia que os caras tiveram, vale a pena ver o vídeo!

Update DOTA 2

Fiquei um tempo sem jogar DOTA 2  e hoje ao logar para entrar tem isso tudo de UPDATE, assim desanima rsrs. Já é embaçado ter tempo pra jogar e quando tenho tempo o update é longo, pow!

A internet também não ajuda! O lerdeza!

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Dota Bys v10 O que mudou?

As mudanças que eu notei vou postar nas screenshots abaixo:

Download DotA v6.74c BYS v10


- A Scoreboard dos observers agora mostra as skills de todos os jogadores
- Rubick liberado
- Modo -sp agora mostra as skills do novo time corretamente
- No herói Invoker, são sorteadas 4 skills para escolha, ao invés do Quas, Wex e Exort
- Adicionado comando -addtime (Adiciona 1 minuto ao tempo para escolha de skills)
- Adicionado icones que notificam/ alertam sobre skills Melee , Range ou de Transformação
- Comando FF agora só pode ser usado após 20 minutos corridos de jogo
- Corrigido um bug crítico que em algumas partidas os itens não apareciam no inventário
- Algumas skills foram retrabalhadas (Ao escolher alguma delas, será mostrado o que mudou)
- Adicionado comando -ready (Sorteia as skills que faltam, durante o tempo de escolha de skills)
- Adicionado comando -si (Mostra as skills dos aliados na barra de Score; semelhante ao -ii)
- E muito mais mudanças quanto a Stack de Skills...

Mode recomendado: -mds6raos

Créditos do mapa ao nosso parceiro: 


DotA 6.74c AI v2.7 Fun Map Download - DotA AI Fun

Dota 6.74c AI Fun

• 27 Imba heroes with epic skillset.
• Mighty Items
• Unlimited Levels (enter -ul command)
• Several bug fixes
• AI supported

DotA 6.74c LoD v5d Map Download - Legends of DotA

Game Modes:
-AP (No hero and skill limitation)
-AR (Random hero/skills)
-SD (Few heroes/limited skills)
-MD (Mirrored heroes/spells)
Additional Modes:
-bo Balance Off
-d2 Provides a choice of 20 heroes.
-d3 Provides a choice of 30 heroes.
-d4 Provides a choice of 40 heroes.
-d5 Provides a choice of 50 heroes.
-s5 allows you to pick 5 skills.
-s6 allows you to pick 6 skills (1 extra ultimate and 1 extra normal ability).
-ra Random Abilities, the extra abilities from s5 & s6 are chosen randomly.
-fn Fast Neutrals, first neutrals spawn already after drafting, then 30 seconds after, then the normal 1 minute spawn
-ss See Skills, allows you to see the enemy skills while drafting as well
-ab Anti-backdoor
-ul Unlimted levles
-os One Skill, skills can't be picked twice on each side
-ls Limit Skills, you cannot have more than 2 passive skills and more than 2 skills from a single hero. 
Thanks to Lordshinjo for modding this map!

DotA v6.74c AI 1.3b

DotA 6.74c AI 1.3b

Log da versão:

  1. Attempt-fix: Nevermore`s Requiem of Souls no damage
  2. Fixed: Magi keep Unrefined Fireblast after dropping Aghanim`s
  3. Fixed: Techies don’t Detonate after having Scepter
  4. Fixed: Techies walking through creeps’ barrage to put mine
  5. Fixed: BoT used to nearby units
  6. Attempt-fix: AI spells against corpses
  7. Fixed: Extra vision over secret shops fixed
  8. New debug command: -dbg [Player ID]. Use to filter all messages by player ID. This will also immediately clear all screen messages and display all past record from corresponding player (visible via Single Player or Replay in Log). Max 50 records.
  9. Fixed: AI Item duplication in -pm
  10. Fixed: AI buying more than 1 detector item.
  11. Fixed: AI teleporting to nearby units.
  12. Fixed: AI building more than 6 luxuries
  13. Fixed: AI leaving BoT in base
  14. Fixed: Visage’s Aghanim not recognized as priority 100 (in further development, all new Aghanim will be recognized automatically)
  15. Fixed: AI dropping items which can change state (e.g. Heart, Dagger, Tranquil Boots, Linken, BKB, Bottle, Thread, Basilus, etc.)
  16. Fixed: Pipe being used randomly
  17. Fixed: Meepo clones using BoT
  18. Tweaked: Item builds by Green
  19. Added: dodge mech against Sprout
  20. Fixed: Venge’s Nether Swap targetting creeps
  21. Fixed: Fixed Scourge AI going to forbidden lanes specified by -nm -nt -nb
  22. Fixed: AI ganking enemies in forbidden lanes.
  23. Fixed: non-working Linken Sphere.
  24. Fixed: final scoreboard icons on player who doesn’t select hero.
  25. Fixed: AI not using Dragon Tail. New skillbuild for DK.
  26. Fixed: teleporation-style battle assist to nearby allies.
  27. Added: anti-item-dupe mech
  28. Attempt: to prevent invisible heroes from breaking invisibility when retreating.
  29. Added: Refraction to dodge incoming spells.
  30. Fixed: item system: item charges not replenished properly, anti-dupe potential problem with Bear.
  31. Replaced: Destroyer’s Jango with Force Staff.
  32. Minor bugfixes on item system.
  33. Minor tweak on ganking behaviour.
  34. Minor tweak on Storm’s ulti mechanism.
  35. Pulled AI fountain waypoint backward (nearer to fountain).
  36. Fixed: Gem/Ward/Dust bug.
  37. Fixed: dupe bugs for Player 1 and Player 6 in -cm
  38. Tweak: leftmost and rightmost AI movement before leaving base in -cm.
  39. Fixed: disabled -swap after first item bought. Before, -swap was disabled when first creep wave spawned and human player could swap with AI already bought items. Also a minor fix to the official code… the setting time function: time is set now according to first_creep_wave_spawned boolean, and not the swap_timer_expired boolean.(last minute fix)

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